1.   If not, there are simple relaxation routines which you can follow for yourself and fit into your daily routine.

2.   A sightseer should not cram the schedule so full, however, that simple relaxation is forsaken.

3.   Even simple relaxation diminishes pain, Bucher and the therapists believe, by breaking the cycle in which pain creates tension, which amplifies pain.

4.   The most basic pain-control technique is simple relaxation.

5.   A growing body of medical research is pointing to more serious medical effects other than just the simple social relaxation.

a. + relaxation >>共 111
further 8.04%
deep 5.53%
total 3.52%
transient 3.52%
anal 2.51%
recent 2.51%
simple 2.51%
modest 2.01%
quiet 2.01%
slight 2.01%
simple + n. >>共 1104
majority 3.85%
matter 1.91%
fact 1.71%
task 1.53%
answer 1.50%
thing 1.49%
question 1.38%
way 1.31%
reason 1.26%
explanation 1.21%
relaxation 0.05%
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