1.   Hostages are said to develop similarly complex attachments to their captors.

2.   The complexity of the French doctorate degree system has previously been mentioned, and their system for the deposit and use of theses is similarly complex.

3.   His musical aims were similarly complex.

4.   Some public health specialists see such a board as a promising model for providing similarly complex AIDS drug treatments in sub-Saharan Africa and other poor nations.

5.   Soni Razdan gives a similarly complex performance as his impatient, superstitious wife, Dilnavaz.

6.   The show touches on a whole range of similarly complex dynamics without spelling them out.

7.   This is because societies in industrialized and developing countries are similarly complex so that the usage of metaphors and categories is inevitable.

d. + complex >>共 238
more 45.54%
too 6.17%
most 4.80%
very 4.32%
so 3.57%
as 3.36%
increasingly 3.22%
highly 2.54%
extremely 2.50%
less 1.75%
similarly 0.24%
similarly + a. >>共 847
optimistic 1.03%
upbeat 0.96%
cautious 0.96%
strong 0.89%
sized 0.89%
high 0.89%
tough 0.83%
named 0.76%
equipped 0.76%
rated 0.76%
complex 0.48%
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