1.   If we were to carry out a similar survey in the future and recording conversations would you be willing to take part?

2.   A similar survey for Los Angeles should be in bookstores, too.

3.   A similar survey from New York also showed an expansion in manufacturing.

4.   A similar survey site is at www.SuperBowl-Ads.com.

5.   A similar survey with similar results had run a week before in The Palm Beach Post.

6.   A similar survey of business leaders in the Valley found employers satisfied with the skilled work force but concerned about a lack of space for expansion.

7.   A similar survey published by Age Net Inc. and distributed by the drug company Merck-Medco also found seniors taking an average of seven medications daily.

8.   A similar survey showed McCain with a nine-point lead in Michigan about a week ago.

9.   By comparison, almost half of those who participated in a similar survey two weeks ago expected the next rate cut to come in the first quarter.

10.   Goetz agreed that a full study would require similar surveys of congregational leaders, denominational officials and possibly the former clergy who had undergone dismissals.

a. + survey >>共 546
recent 13.90%
new 8.36%
national 5.27%
latest 3.15%
annual 2.97%
monthly 2.36%
informal 2.27%
quarterly 1.83%
nationwide 1.56%
similar 1.50%
similar + n. >>共 1099
problem 1.58%
measure 1.31%
bill 1.28%
case 1.23%
charge 1.20%
incident 1.07%
program 1.06%
legislation 1.05%
situation 1.04%
agreement 0.85%
survey 0.12%
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