1.   Similar objections were voiced by the Pan-Africanist Congress and the Labour Party.

2.   A similar objection met reports on how schools short-change girls.

3.   Last October, the Supreme Court refused to consider similar objections raised by abortion protesters in a separate case.

4.   McNamara, and others voice similar objections.

5.   Now similar objections are greeting the proposed grizzly bear project, which is undergoing final environmental review but seems likely to go forward.

6.   Proponents of structural genomics point out that similar objections were raised at first to the Human Genome Project.

7.   Similar objections have forced some schools in other states in recent years to transform their traditional displays of goblins and ghosts into generic fall decorations.

8.   Similar objections were raised a decade ago when the de Benedetti group first took its stake in Valeo.

9.   Similar objections arose when other communities considered teaming up with the INS.

10.   The National Council of La Raza, an Hispanic-advocacy organization, and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund expressed similar objections.

a. + objection >>共 315
strong 8.71%
russian 3.45%
israeli 2.33%
moral 2.25%
serious 2.10%
main 1.95%
strenuous 1.95%
major 1.73%
similar 1.65%
religious 1.58%
similar + n. >>共 1099
problem 1.58%
measure 1.31%
bill 1.28%
case 1.23%
charge 1.20%
incident 1.07%
program 1.06%
legislation 1.05%
situation 1.04%
agreement 0.85%
objection 0.05%
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