1.   Appropriation and obtaining are similar concepts.

2.   And though the Balkans and the Amazon are separated by great distances, the regions have developed similar concepts of soccer.

3.   A similar concept applies to the Biesse nutcracker.

4.   A strikingly similar concept served as the frame for another recent portrait of female piety.

5.   Flagstar is testing a similar concept in Alabama-area stores.

6.   If someone else later gets a patent for a similar concept and charges infringement, the first innovator can defend himself.

7.   In other words, cavemen saw and thought similar concepts as modern-day humans.

8.   In so doing, Jacobs said, Gebhard was drawing on his own earlier experience, as a labor lawyer, using a similar concept.

9.   KickStart.com sells targeted advertising banners on these personalized sites, operating on a similar concept as programs that pay Web surfers for viewing ads.

10.   Microsoft is known to be developing a similar concept that it calls Millennium.

a. + concept >>共 841
new 10.47%
basic 3.52%
whole 3.10%
abstract 1.83%
very 1.76%
original 1.53%
simple 1.49%
same 1.45%
foreign 1.38%
novel 1.30%
similar 0.92%
similar + n. >>共 1099
problem 1.58%
measure 1.31%
bill 1.28%
case 1.23%
charge 1.20%
incident 1.07%
program 1.06%
legislation 1.05%
situation 1.04%
agreement 0.85%
concept 0.06%
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