1.   Back in the Senate, Sen. J. James Exon, D-Neb, tried to attach a similar amendment to an unrelated Republican measure.

2.   A similar amendment is expected to be offered in the House next week by Rep. Nita Lowey, D-N.Y.

3.   A similar amendment was blocked earlier this year, mainly by Rep. Benjamin Gilman, chairman of the House International Relations Committee.

4.   But Republican leaders are still unsure about whether to introduce a similar amendment in the Senate because they fear it could kill the entire measure.

5.   Feinstein and Kyl introduced a similar amendment last year, but it never came to a vote.

6.   Georgia has only one representative on the House Appropriations Committee, where a similar amendment is being prepared.

7.   In the House, Democratic leader Richard Gephardt pledged to seek a floor vote for a similar amendment.

8.   Just three weeks ago, Republicans in the Ways and Means Committee killed an amendment similar to the license-revocation plan.

9.   Kasich offered a similar amendment earlier this year on related legislation authorizing military programs.

10.   Most observers consider the issue dead, although there may be an attempt to pass a similar amendment in the Senate this summer.

a. + amendment >>共 356
constitutional 48.71%
proposed 12.50%
democratic 2.51%
new 2.21%
controversial 1.85%
such 1.65%
similar 1.12%
first 0.82%
republican 0.79%
minor 0.76%
similar + n. >>共 1099
problem 1.58%
measure 1.31%
bill 1.28%
case 1.23%
charge 1.20%
incident 1.07%
program 1.06%
legislation 1.05%
situation 1.04%
agreement 0.85%
amendment 0.08%
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