1.   A computer that held this sprawling map of potentialities in its silicon brain would have the game down cold.

2.   Intel in the past has beaten its competitors in developing more powerful, more complex processors, which are the tiny silicon brains of computers.

3.   It would allow ballots to be counted and recounted in the nanoseconds that it takes the silicon brains to calculate a digit of pi.

4.   The Pentium chip, of course, is the square silicon brain inside most Windows-based computers.

5.   The flaw in the coin-size silicon brain that powers millions of personal computers has garnered enormous national attention because so many PCs have invaded American family rooms.

n. + brain >>共 75
rat 7.74%
computer 7.14%
cow 6.55%
cattle 5.95%
mouse 4.17%
bird 3.57%
business 2.98%
silicon 2.98%
bee 2.38%
squirrel 2.38%
silicon + n. >>共 126
chip 27.56%
wafer 23.17%
implant 1.95%
device 1.71%
maker 1.46%
base 1.22%
brain 1.22%
technology 1.22%
transistor 1.22%
germanium 0.98%
每页显示:    共 5