1.   Assessment of drug therapy was restricted to the costs of the diuretic spironolactone as this was the only drug which could be identified as having significant financial implications.

2.   The linkages of the SEM to competition, regional, agricultural, and environmental policies also have significant implications.

3.   A smaller percentage of poor white children attend preschool programs than poor minority youngsters, according to a new study that researchers say has significant implications for welfare reform.

4.   Alongside the billions are a few millions of dollars for other national programs with significant implications for Texas residents.

5.   But very few people really internalize the significant implications of that.

6.   If the growth of the computer industry is slowing, as seems to be happening, that has significant implications for corporate profits and for economic growth.

7.   The Clinton administration was aligned against Alabama in a complex case with significant implications for both federalism and civil rights enforcement.

8.   The finding could have significant implications for people who eat a lot of fish from around the Cardiff plant, he says.

9.   The finding is likely to have significant implications for the treatment of blood pressure and the development of artificial blood.

a. + implication >>共 352
political 8.48%
important 4.12%
serious 3.77%
far-reaching 3.33%
profound 3.14%
financial 2.89%
legal 2.70%
major 2.60%
national 2.25%
broad 2.21%
significant 1.52%
significant + n. >>共 920
change 4.55%
difference 3.29%
number 3.16%
amount 2.20%
progress 2.17%
role 2.12%
increase 1.88%
impact 1.79%
improvement 1.41%
gain 1.36%
implication 0.21%
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