1.   Until we appreciate the true value of age, it is difficult to do anything but panic when the signs of it emerge.

2.   The release of the hostages came shortly after signs emerged of a distinct improvement in Franco-Libyan relations.

3.   FURTHER signs emerged today that the property market is set to take off as fund managers prepare to increase their stakes in UK property companies.

4.   Analysts and investors have been optimistic about Boeing since early last year, when signs emerged that the worldwide slump in aircraft orders was coming to an end.

5.   Across Afghanistan, signs were emerging of the devastation left by the Taliban and the war.

6.   Already on Monday, signs emerged of competing agendas, including whether celibacy should be part of the discussion.

7.   But a more ominous sign is emerging as well.

8.   But despite all this gloom and doom, signs are emerging that New York is getting in the Christmas spirit.

9.   But in the last few weeks, signs have emerged that the leadership of the group has reached a consensus on peace talks.

10.   But promising signs have emerged, he said.

n. + emerge >>共 1575
detail 2.37%
evidence 2.28%
pattern 1.97%
sign 1.65%
picture 1.46%
report 1.44%
leader 1.41%
consensus 1.36%
difference 1.29%
problem 1.29%
sign + v. >>共 417
be 78.35%
point 1.84%
emerge 1.13%
come 0.96%
appear 0.96%
warn 0.69%
indicate 0.63%
say 0.63%
go 0.55%
abound 0.54%
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