1.   Beat in sifted dry ingredients, beating only until combined.

2.   Add melted chocolate to the whipped egg mixture, then slowly beat in sifted dry ingredients and nuts.

3.   Add sifted dry ingredients.

4.   Add sifted dry ingredients to creamed butter alternately with sour cream mixture, beginning and ending with dry ingredients and beating after each addition only enough to blend.

5.   Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix just until blended, not longer.

6.   Add all sifted dry ingredients alternating with buttermilk and vanilla.

7.   Add sifted ingredients to creamed mixture in thirds, alternating with milk.

8.   Add sifted dry ingredients alternately with milk.

9.   Add sifted dry ingredients, mix well.

10.   Add sifted ingredients in thirds, alternating with milk.

a. + ingredient >>共 551
remaining 9.24%
dry 9.06%
key 6.89%
active 5.72%
main 4.89%
essential 2.86%
the 2.63%
important 2.32%
necessary 1.63%
basic 1.52%
sifted 0.92%
sifted + n. >>共 9
ingredient 43.24%
flour 29.73%
sugar 14.86%
cocoa 4.05%
debris 2.70%
cake 1.35%
material 1.35%
mixture 1.35%
powder 1.35%
每页显示:    共 32