1.   Luciano Moresco said his upscale leather and shoe chain, A. Testoni, resisted moving to Fifth Avenue until last year because of the sidewalk peddlers.

2.   Once found only under water, goggles are making a splash on the street, sold alongside sunglasses and baseball caps by sidewalk peddlers.

3.   Gauging from their availability from Beijing sidewalk peddlers, the supply of pirated discs and other products has not been cut off.

4.   The death of Diallo, a sidewalk peddler who was the son of a prominent Guinean trader, has become a rallying cry in this poverty-stricken West Africa nation.

5.   Tiananmen Square, the political heart of China, is flooded with police, and officers also are enforcing ordinary laws against sidewalk peddlers with unusual zeal.

n. + peddler >>共 40
drug 18.67%
fruit 10.67%
sidewalk 6.67%
smut 5.33%
celebrity 4.00%
conspiracy 4.00%
newspaper 4.00%
immigrant 2.67%
sandwich 2.67%
dope 1.33%
sidewalk + n. >>共 220
cafe 21.63%
vendor 9.68%
table 3.04%
restaurant 2.28%
grate 1.71%
stall 1.71%
artist 1.52%
crack 1.52%
sale 1.52%
market 1.14%
peddler 0.95%
每页显示:    共 5