1.   Both sides expressed satisfaction with the progress so far.

2.   On agriculture the New Zealand side expressed concerns over protectionist barriers affecting its major exports, and over the current impasse in the GATT talks.

3.   Both sides expressed satisfaction with the result, and UN Secretary-General Javier Prez de Cullar stated that the Gordian knot has been untied.

4.   During the recess, the Israeli side expressed optimism over the progress of talks with Syria.

5.   Both sides had expressed regret at the killing of L Cpl Edwards but neither had named the gunman.

6.   Both sides had expressed regret but neither had named the gunman.

7.   Both sides expressed a hope that there would be progress in negotiations, scheduled to resume tomorrow.

8.   Both sides expressed concern that another shutdown threat had simply been deferred until next year.

9.   Both sides expressed confidence about the outcome.

10.   Both sides expressed optimism after the talks, and an administration official said the Republicans had proposed a face-to-face meeting with the president on Tuesday.

n. + express >>共 913
official 13.43%
leader 4.77%
government 2.68%
group 2.60%
analyst 2.47%
member 2.12%
company 1.89%
people 1.89%
investor 1.47%
lawmaker 1.42%
side 1.38%
side + v. >>共 621
be 10.78%
agree 8.70%
say 4.54%
have 4.42%
meet 1.92%
accuse 1.86%
make 1.60%
claim 1.48%
discuss 1.48%
reach 1.40%
express 0.42%
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