1.   The sickest patients are in intensive care.

2.   Although the bacteria tend to attack only the sickest patients, for them they pose a serious threat.

3.   Antril failed a previous trial last February when early data showed the drug was only effective in the sickest patients, a finding this trial failed to confirm.

4.   Antril had failed a previous trial in February, when early data indicated that the drug might be effective only with the sickest patients.

5.   Beyond the geographical dilemma lies the ethical question of whether precious few organs should go to the sickest patients.

6.   All but the sickest patients could be discharged from hospitals, receive treatment from these centers instead, and go about living normal lives.

7.   But some people are working to try to make medical spaces for some of the sickest patients sources of sanctuary rather than angst.

8.   Donated organs would go to the sickest patients in the United States regardless of where they live.

9.   Generally, the guidelines call for sharing organs nationally, with the sickest patients receiving the highest priority.

10.   Graham, the organ network official, predicted that giving priority to the sickest patients would actually cost lives, because more patients would need second and third transplants.

a. + patient >>共 968
ill 7.74%
elderly 3.18%
new 2.30%
the 2.08%
young 1.87%
first 1.81%
former 1.81%
older 1.66%
dying 1.56%
psychiatric 1.49%
sickest 1.02%
sickest + n. >>共 21
patient 62.03%
people 7.59%
child 5.06%
economy 2.53%
heart 2.53%
ambulance 1.27%
are 1.27%
asthma 1.27%
captive 1.27%
city 1.27%
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