1.   Currie nabbed Zarya relying on closed-circuit television views beamed from video cameras in the shuttle cargo bay and on the robot arm.

2.   It will be small enough to be carried to the space station in a shuttle cargo bay.

3.   Later Friday morning Collins and her crew accomplished the major goal of the mission, releasing the giant X-ray telescope from the open shuttle cargo bay with ease.

4.   The disc facility is to be hauled back into the shuttle cargo bay next Thursday.

5.   They will also remove the restraints and connectors that helped hold Unity in the shuttle bay during launching.

6.   A receiver in the shuttle cargo bay is serving as a radio relay between the satellite and controllers in Houston.

7.   At that point, springs eased the shuttle away from the Mir, which had been anchored to the docking mechanism in the shuttle cargo bay.

8.   Five hours into the flight, Jernigan moved the cluster of ultraviolet telescopes into an upright position in the shuttle cargo bay.

9.   Once the container is in place, the spacewalkers were to remove two briefcase-size containers from the shuttle payload bay that are part of an experiment.

10.   Spartan will be hauled back into the shuttle cargo bay on Sunday.

n. + bay >>共 58
cargo 39.71%
shuttle 8.82%
drive 6.37%
payload 6.37%
hangar 3.43%
engine 1.96%
day 1.47%
work 1.47%
torpedo 1.47%
camera 0.98%
shuttle + n. >>共 251
bus 11.18%
mission 10.91%
crew 10.36%
astronaut 7.63%
flight 7.58%
service 7.36%
manager 3.76%
commander 2.40%
train 1.58%
launch 1.53%
bay 0.98%
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