1.   Apparently choosing to keep all Tier I options open, Texas fans showered the field with both sugar cubes and oranges during the fourth quarter.

2.   Fans would shower the field with Oh Henry candy bars whenever he hit a home run.

3.   Wrappers and bags loosely showered the field, swept by a cold wind.

4.   Fans showered the field with paper plates after the game.

v. + field >>共 708
leave 12.12%
take 9.22%
enter 2.69%
lead 2.05%
make 1.76%
narrow 1.74%
work 1.64%
clear 1.60%
develop 1.37%
reverse 1.32%
shower 0.09%
shower + n. >>共 227
activity 3.01%
gift 2.46%
crowd 2.19%
money 2.19%
praise 2.19%
area 1.91%
petal 1.91%
player 1.91%
shrapnel 1.91%
confetti 1.64%
field 1.09%
每页显示:    共 4