1.   King got it from Mobutu Sese Seko, the president of Zaire, who hoped the fight would showcase his country.

2.   The longest torch relay in Olympic history is intended to bring the Atlanta Games to America and showcase the country from sea to shining sea.

3.   Here is a rare opportunity to showcase the country to a very select group of tourists on board...

4.   Turkish politicians are keen to showcase their country as a secular but overwhelmingly Muslim state that can act as a bridge between the East and Western Europe.

v. + country >>共 730
leave 12.40%
enter 6.19%
flee 5.50%
visit 2.40%
run 2.40%
lead 2.31%
divide 1.65%
represent 1.57%
rebuild 1.14%
name 1.09%
showcase 0.02%
showcase + n. >>共 299
talent 9.63%
skill 4.26%
product 2.59%
work 2.41%
technology 1.67%
artist 1.30%
support 1.30%
player 1.30%
versatility 1.30%
works 1.11%
country 0.74%
每页显示:    共 4