1.   Whitaker and Givens give the proceedings a much needed lift and the latter shows promise and the conniving seductress.

2.   And the concepts for virtual-reality theme parks being developed deep inside some Hollywood studios show real promise.

3.   But while some alternative remedies show promise, especially for short-term problems like hot flashes, others appear useless.

4.   He traded a second-round draft pick to Denver for Brown, who had done little with the Broncos but show promise.

5.   I believe various online niches, especially those geared to investors, show great promise.

6.   Marijuana shows promise in aiding some medical conditions and its use should be studied further, a panel of experts convened at the National Institutes of Health said Thursday.

7.   Meanwhile, other research presented Sunday and Monday at the ICAAC meeting in Toronto shows promise for a whole new wave of drugs.

8.   Most have been inconclusive but some show promise that will be explored in wider testing.

9.   The new site of the show promises added space for viewing, relaxing and dining.

10.   The National Cancer Institute says preliminary studies of ultrafast CT show promise in detecting small cancers.

n. + promise >>共 224
campaign 39.49%
election 8.63%
government 8.51%
show 2.07%
hold 0.97%
season 0.85%
reform 0.85%
contract 0.73%
rebel 0.73%
official 0.73%
show + n. >>共 753
trial 4.06%
tune 3.24%
sign 2.98%
host 2.72%
house 2.31%
people 1.54%
court 1.49%
voter 1.44%
floor 1.28%
dog 1.18%
promise 0.87%
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