1.   In my quest for identity, the style of clothing I choose reflects me.It shows my personality and shows what type of person I am.

2.   At the end, your collection will show the personality of the person behind it.

3.   Barbecue sauce, that once-dull cousin of ketchup, is finally showing its personality.

4.   Graf, Sanchez Vicario and Conchita Martinez have given the performances, while Natalia Zvereva has shown the personality.

5.   In Commissioner Roosevelt, the author tries hard to show the personality of TR and what he stood for.

6.   Young Haitians or Congolese have never seen a mainstream film that shows their history, that shows personalities with whom they can identify.

7.   This is where Sampras shows his personality, and if it is muted compared with the likes of Andre Agassi or John McEnroe, he could care less.

v. + personality >>共 255
have 24.71%
change 3.76%
reflect 2.89%
develop 2.75%
know 1.45%
fit 1.30%
affect 1.30%
lack 1.16%
take 1.16%
like 1.01%
show 1.01%
show + n. >>共 1032
sign 13.22%
interest 4.00%
support 1.59%
improvement 1.41%
picture 1.14%
emotion 1.13%
promise 1.11%
restraint 0.93%
footage 0.92%
willingness 0.91%
personality 0.02%
每页显示:    共 7