1.   Mercifully, the show exhibits redemptive moments of humor.

2.   Resurrection was the theme on Broadway and off this week as box office numbers showed promise and several recently closed or canceled shows exhibited signs of new life.

3.   The Leonardo show exhibits the work of a Renaissance genius who understood forces that were shaping the world.

4.   The other shows will exhibit sculpture from the West, South and Northeast.

5.   The four-day show exhibited products from firms like GEC Alsthom Transport, Matra Hachette, Gemplus Card International, Dassault, and Framatome.

n. + exhibit >>共 270
patient 4.66%
company 2.45%
artist 2.21%
museum 2.21%
economy 1.96%
child 1.96%
system 1.72%
gallery 1.47%
man 1.23%
market 1.23%
show 1.23%
show + v. >>共 932
be 29.06%
have 5.29%
go 3.96%
feature 2.21%
open 1.88%
begin 1.81%
include 1.71%
make 1.27%
end 1.22%
take 1.19%
exhibit 0.06%
每页显示:    共 5