1.   As a by-product it also finds the shortest paths from s to all other vertices in the graph.

2.   The algorithm works by progressively updating a label D assigned to each vertex u until D becomes equal to the shortest path length from s to u.

3.   Dynamic programming is used to compute a shortest path between every pair of vertices in a weighted directed graph G.

4.   This algorithm does not require all edge weights to be positive, but we have to ban negative length cycles.

5.   Strogatz and Watts began looking around for networks in which every connection was known, allowing them to determine the shortest possible path between any two points.

6.   Western diplomats are reluctant to abandon a four-year-old accord in Angola, saying it still represents the shortest path to peace.

a. + path >>共 913
different 6.30%
same 4.56%
clear 2.60%
beaten 2.57%
right 2.40%
similar 2.31%
new 2.25%
narrow 2.19%
garden 1.12%
base 0.95%
shortest 0.18%
shortest + n. >>共 115
outing 10.77%
time 9.85%
route 9.23%
distance 6.77%
start 4.62%
day 2.77%
path 1.85%
month 1.85%
jump 1.85%
way 1.85%
每页显示:    共 6