1.   - Shorter daylight hours.

2.   In the winter months, hours for both are shortened to coincide with shorter daylight hours.

3.   The shorter daylight hours in late fall and early winter make the fast times shorter, said Hooper.

4.   This problem appears to stem from shorter daylight hours during winter.

a. + daylight >>共 90
broad 57.87%
first 2.93%
daring 2.67%
full 2.13%
brazen 1.87%
new 1.33%
biggest 1.07%
extra 1.07%
fierce 1.07%
second 1.07%
shorter 1.07%
shorter + n. >>共 464
maturity 9.80%
period 5.29%
time 3.84%
hour 3.73%
term 3.48%
work 2.59%
sentence 2.18%
distance 2.02%
version 1.82%
day 1.76%
daylight 0.21%
每页显示:    共 4