1.   Similarly, the addition of food to oral rehydration solution further restricts fluid losses and significantly shortens the duration of diarrhoea.

2.   Motivation of patients during the course of treatment can also be maintained if treatment duration is shortened.

3.   Because of the intensity level, you can shorten the duration.

4.   Accordingly, Hyatt has since rewritten many of its management contracts, shortening their duration and tying fees to profitability levels.

5.   But it may lessen the effects and shorten the duration of symptoms.

6.   But remember, funds that diversify their portfolio among Ginnie Maes and U.S. Treasuries usually do so to reduce risk and shorten duration.

7.   His later studies helped to produce a vaccine for Q fever, which is treated with antibiotics that shorten its duration.

8.   There have been adaptations for modern audiences, including shortening the duration.

v. + duration >>共 29
reduce 16.67%
have 13.89%
shorten 12.50%
limit 6.94%
specify 5.56%
determine 4.17%
extend 4.17%
spend 4.17%
increase 2.78%
minimize 2.78%
shorten + n. >>共 239
life 8.13%
time 6.32%
hour 2.97%
name 2.84%
sentence 2.45%
length 2.45%
game 2.32%
career 2.32%
stay 2.19%
war 2.19%
duration 1.16%
每页显示:    共 9