1.   Bowl, we fish together, we shoot hoops, shoot pool.

2.   I suspect that they gather there to smoke cigarettes, shoot pool, talk shop and snicker while they think of how frantic we are.

3.   I want to buy Edward R. Murrow and Humphrey Bogart a drink, shoot pool with Jackie Gleason, and dance in the rain with Gene Kelly.

4.   The expatriates all come in sooner or later to eat and drink and shoot pool and swap news, and they all know Charlie.

n. + pool >>共 372
talent 10.90%
jury 8.61%
office 4.71%
labor 4.51%
investment 3.43%
backyard 2.76%
applicant 2.36%
hotel 2.22%
kiddie 1.75%
lap 1.75%
shoot 0.27%
shoot + n. >>共 28
down 12.50%
out 12.50%
pool 10.00%
button 5.00%
arrow 2.50%
basket 2.50%
beetle 2.50%
bolt 2.50%
close 2.50%
death 2.50%
每页显示:    共 4