1.   He imitated a customer with a shocked expression on his face.

2.   I notice no shocked expressions.

3.   More common are shocked expressions, nervous laughter and tears.

4.   When I told her I was a journalist, I noticed her shocked expression.

a. + expression >>共 883
facial 10.05%
free 7.51%
artistic 2.90%
religious 2.72%
public 2.61%
political 1.97%
pained 1.40%
creative 1.25%
same 1.07%
blank 1.04%
shocked 0.14%
shocked + n. >>共 122
silence 8.20%
resident 6.15%
look 3.28%
nation 3.28%
reaction 2.46%
parent 2.46%
disbelief 2.05%
passenger 2.05%
bystander 2.05%
onlooker 2.05%
expression 1.64%
每页显示:    共 4