1.   Shocked bystanders hugged each other.

2.   Men carried limp children to waiting ambulances, as policemen shooed away shocked bystanders still clutching flowers they had planned to lay at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

3.   Shocked bystanders hugged each other and cried.

4.   Shocked bystanders hugged each other, seeking comfort.

5.   Shocked bystanders hugged each other, some crying or holding their hands to their faces as ambulances, sirens wailing, evacuated the wounded.

a. + bystander >>共 98
innocent 40.43%
civilian 4.86%
palestinian 3.95%
curious 2.13%
mere 1.82%
shocked 1.52%
female 1.22%
albanian 1.22%
injured 1.22%
passive 1.22%
shocked + n. >>共 122
silence 8.20%
resident 6.15%
look 3.28%
nation 3.28%
reaction 2.46%
parent 2.46%
disbelief 2.05%
passenger 2.05%
bystander 2.05%
onlooker 2.05%
每页显示:    共 5