1.   Allied Signal Corp., which makes various car parts, will begin shipping a material in August that takes a new approach.

2.   All permanent building materials have been shipped in from the United States.

3.   But the resolution also demands the reimposition of sanctions within five days of any determination by Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali that Serbia had resumed shipping war material.

4.   Iran often has material shipped to Pakistan and Syria and then sent to Iran, they said.

5.   Low-level radioactive materials already are shipped through the city.

6.   Most hazardous material can be shipped more safely by truck, he said.

7.   Summit uses Road Package Systems to ship its materials.

8.   The material will be shipped in airtight stainless steel containers built to withstand fire and long falls.

9.   The radioactive material was shipped by rail or road to other weapons facilities across the nation under top-secret conditions, which have never been declassified.

10.   These small European companies, many of which are owned by Iranians, ship material in long, circuitous routes to Iran.

v. + material >>共 878
use 6.31%
contain 3.96%
include 2.20%
carry 1.90%
provide 1.90%
distribute 1.84%
produce 1.64%
find 1.64%
remove 1.52%
sell 1.43%
ship 0.49%
ship + n. >>共 620
product 5.32%
goods 4.40%
oil 2.71%
drug 2.51%
waste 2.46%
order 1.54%
car 1.43%
part 1.38%
material 1.38%
item 1.33%
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