1.   He pointed to two slender car axle rods being shipped to Japan.

2.   Hides from Argentine cows may be tanned in China, sewed into bomber jackets in Korea and then shipped to Japan for sale.

3.   Many of these items were produced at Japanese factories in Asia, where costs are lower, and shipped to Japan.

4.   North Dakota may grow more buckwheat, but nearly of all that is shipped to Japan to make the silky noodles called soba.

5.   Over the past decade, American consumers and companies have bought a half-trillion dollars more worth of Japanese products than the United States has shipped to Japan.

6.   Some of its tests have already been shipped to Japan to help with the outbreak there.

7.   The grooves in the rain-tires shipped to Japan have been hand-carved.

8.   The ministry said Tuesday that it would again ask the United States to certify that contaminated corn had not been shipped to Japan for food use.

9.   The ministry said in a statement that it would again ask the United States to certify that contaminated corn had not been shipped to Japan for food use.

10.   It was uncertain when the numerous fish farms, which largely ship to Japan, could return to normal.

v. + japan >>共 23
return 27.47%
ship 19.78%
travel 13.19%
fly 6.59%
flee 5.49%
export 3.30%
sail 3.30%
smuggle 3.30%
transfer 2.20%
abound 1.10%
ship + v. >>共 46
japan 20.93%
register 5.81%
freeze 3.49%
base 3.49%
forbid 3.49%
triple 3.49%
use 3.49%
export 2.33%
arrive 2.33%
back 2.33%
每页显示:    共 18