1.   But behind the shiny chrome and tail fins is a world of need, improvisation and sheer Darwinism.

2.   Each has a shiny chrome frame with a round seat, covered in bright red, blue, yellow or green fabric.

3.   Fixtures in shiny chrome and brass need to be polished to get rid of water spots and soap film.

4.   Fixtures with shiny chrome and brass finishes show water spots and soap film readily, so they must be polished often.

5.   The young women down at ibeauty rode those shiny chrome scooters to the bathrooms, which are a block away down the hall.

6.   She wore custom-made black shoes covered with shiny chrome, instead of the radical pair designed for her for the games.

7.   Shiny chrome and other signs of ostentation are out, however.

a. + chrome >>共 47
shiny 10.61%
polished 9.09%
gleaming 4.55%
sleek 4.55%
large 3.03%
wonderful 3.03%
ribbed 3.03%
tasteful 3.03%
brilliant 1.52%
cold 1.52%
shiny + n. >>共 469
surface 2.81%
shoe 1.68%
hair 1.57%
fabric 1.46%
metal 1.46%
suit 1.35%
leaf 1.35%
car 1.35%
finish 1.23%
coin 1.01%
chrome 0.79%
每页显示:    共 7