1.   His exquisitely mounted boxes of large black beetles look like shining jewels.

2.   The House would take its shining jewel, the space shuttle, and sell as much as possible to investors.

3.   The House would take its shining jewel, the space shuttle, and sell as much as possible to private investors.

4.   The sudden collapse of such a shining jewel in the crown of the New Economy has touched something deeper in the American psyche.

a. + jewel >>共 165
real 3.75%
architectural 3.07%
precious 3.07%
stolen 2.73%
international 2.73%
little 2.39%
bright 2.05%
sparkling 2.05%
glittering 1.71%
priceless 1.37%
shining 1.37%
shining + n. >>共 163
example 14.13%
moment 10.28%
sea 5.57%
star 5.35%
armor 4.71%
light 4.50%
shoe 2.78%
city 2.36%
eye 1.93%
armour 1.50%
jewel 0.86%
每页显示:    共 4