1.   Rigorous shift patterns allegedly discriminated against women with children.

2.   Even in full automatic mode, the transmission will figure out individual driving styles and tailor its shift pattern to suit.

3.   In both vehicles, the driver has access to a separate shift pattern while the transmission is in drive.

4.   It changes, shifts patterns, stirs new emotions without losing its importance.

5.   The intelligent five-speed gearbox is just as impressive with well judged shift patterns and silky movements.

6.   The intelligent five-speed gearbox is just as impressive with welljudged shift patterns, allowing for smooth gear changes.

n. + pattern >>共 770
weather 18.54%
traffic 2.78%
speech 1.96%
sleep 1.78%
pass 1.52%
wind 1.48%
flight 1.48%
post 1.48%
consumption 1.48%
migration 1.33%
shift 0.22%
shift + n. >>共 101
change 13.31%
dress 7.12%
lever 7.12%
supervisor 4.64%
worker 4.33%
work 4.33%
knob 4.02%
commander 3.72%
manager 2.79%
system 2.79%
pattern 1.86%
每页显示:    共 6