1.   But he had long perceived the need to shift focus at will, from one scale or type of history to another.

2.   Opposition MPs accused the Prime Minister of trying to shift the focus onto other issues.

3.   Regretfully traditional inspection often shifts the focus of responsibility for the quality of performance away from the person carrying out the work.

4.   Some have shifted their focus to other psychiatric disorders, such as eating disorders.

5.   The focus is shifted momentarily from the crew to whales as Ishmael describes the various types.

6.   The premium on performance shifts the focus this spring to the exhibition games, starting in another week.

7.   IBM has also shifted its focus from mainframes to personal computers.

8.   It shows that exclusion is not an inevitable part of having an impairment, but is socially-created and can therefore be socially-changed.

9.   Although each passing hour diminished the optimism for finding survivors, officials were hesitant to shift their focus from rescue efforts to a wholesale bulldozing and hauling of rubble.

10.   Although the battle is over and PGP Security has since shifted its focus to businesses, the company still offers its consumer software at its Web site, www.pgp.com.

v. + focus >>共 237
shift 20.81%
lose 10.27%
keep 8.69%
change 4.57%
turn 4.46%
put 3.38%
narrow 3.05%
maintain 2.65%
sharpen 2.54%
switch 2.14%
shift + n. >>共 733
focus 9.46%
money 5.10%
production 4.36%
gear 3.97%
attention 3.15%
fund 2.85%
responsibility 2.08%
blame 2.05%
emphasis 1.95%
position 1.79%
每页显示:    共 367