1.   Uganda believed Sudan to be sheltering the rebels.

2.   Papua New Guinea has accused the Solomons of sheltering Bougainville rebels.

3.   A Tamil businessman who had sheltered the rebels also was arrested, officials said.

4.   Angola backed Kabila because Mobutu had been sheltering UNITA rebels who have been fighting the Angolan government for more than two decades.

5.   Syria denies sheltering the rebels.

6.   Taylor accuses neighboring Guinea of sheltering the rebels.

7.   Sudan has accused Eritrea of sheltering southern rebels who seek greater autonomy from the Islamic-dominated government for the mainly Christian and animist south.

8.   Syria has denied sheltering the rebels.

9.   The clash took place in the Kibilira district of Gisenyi prefecture on Sunday, after residents told troops that a villager was sheltering six rebels.

10.   Turkey accuses Syria of sheltering Kurdish rebels, allowing them to keep battling Turkey from cross-border bases after largely being neutralized on their home turf.

v. + rebel >>共 520
kill 12.06%
support 6.08%
fight 4.74%
back 4.69%
accuse 4.55%
blame 3.98%
aid 2.77%
drive 2.01%
help 1.99%
battle 1.92%
shelter 0.26%
shelter + n. >>共 186
refugee 7.06%
homeless 3.65%
rebel 3.65%
income 3.16%
child 2.43%
terrorist 2.43%
hundred 2.19%
militant 2.19%
militia 2.19%
family 1.95%
每页显示:    共 15