1.   Shelters are overflowing, and more people this year are sleeping on floors in dingy social service centers, living in cars or spending nights on the streets.

2.   Shelters are overflowing and more people are sleeping on floors in dingy social service centers, living in cars or spending nights on the streets.

3.   The shelter overflowed with donations from area residents.

4.   The shelter is overflowing, but no one gets turned away.

n. + overflow >>共 202
river 17.49%
toilet 2.22%
hospital 2.22%
water 2.22%
jail 1.97%
system 1.72%
sewer 1.48%
crowd 1.23%
box 1.23%
tributary 1.23%
shelter 0.99%
shelter + v. >>共 147
be 34.95%
have 6.71%
open 3.24%
provide 2.08%
remain 1.85%
fill 1.39%
take 1.39%
offer 1.16%
get 0.93%
hold 0.93%
overflow 0.93%
每页显示:    共 4