1.   The hard labor in shelled pecans had always made her mother call them pure gold.

2.   So, it may pay to stock up on shelled pecans.

3.   The shelled pecans sound awfully expensive, but when you see the plump, clean pecan halves packed in their clear plastic bags, they are terribly enticing.

4.   When buying shelled pecans, look for plump meats which are fairly uniform in size and color.

5.   --When buying shelled pecans, look for plump meats that are fairly uniform in size and color.

a. + pecan >>共 70
chopped 17.61%
toasted 9.15%
shelled 3.52%
caramelized 2.82%
native 2.82%
remaining 2.82%
southern 2.82%
spiced 2.82%
lush 2.11%
sweet 2.11%
shelled + n. >>共 35
village 9.23%
pecan 7.69%
house 6.15%
guerrilla 6.15%
position 6.15%
seed 6.15%
shrimp 6.15%
pea 4.62%
peanut 4.62%
nut 3.08%
每页显示:    共 5