1.   Her staff also created Diet Coke with Lemon, which has a sharper flavor.

2.   Taking energy from storage to produce a flower reduces the size of the leek and gives it a sharper flavor.

3.   The Cremerie Classique sauce had a slightly sharper flavor from the wine and vinegar reduction.

4.   To those who like sharper flavors in politics, this was a disappointment and even a betrayal of the needy.

a. + flavor >>共 764
strong 2.24%
intense 2.09%
international 1.92%
different 1.81%
distinctive 1.77%
new 1.70%
nutty 1.45%
sweet 1.45%
smoky 1.42%
complex 1.35%
sharper 0.14%
sharper + n. >>共 161
focus 11.59%
picture 11.08%
image 7.05%
edge 3.53%
decline 2.27%
relief 2.27%
contrast 2.02%
fall 1.76%
increase 1.26%
angle 1.01%
flavor 1.01%
每页显示:    共 4