1.   As I notice various strategies I frequently draw the class together and encourage them to share ideas.

2.   Ask the students to share their ideas for pictures.

3.   At the end of the lecture, Dr. Bosch invited the audience to ask questions and share their ideas.

4.   At the seminar I met a number of interesting people and explored ways we could interact by sharing ideas.

5.   Conservation swap Global pollution could be more effectively tackled if countries would share their conservation ideas.

6.   Every woman has her own ideas, and often those ideas are not shared by the man who shares her bed.

7.   Have each group share its ideas.

8.   He rushed home to share the idea with his wife, Claudia, a secretary in the Department of Defense.

9.   I wish I thought that his colleagues were beginning to share that idea - perhaps we have an alliance here.

10.   In those sessions employees have shared ideas that have become company traditions.

v. + idea >>共 546
have 26.75%
reject 6.69%
get 3.67%
like 3.67%
support 3.16%
oppose 2.50%
dismiss 2.01%
discuss 1.51%
float 1.25%
accept 1.12%
share 0.80%
share + n. >>共 955
information 5.84%
view 3.99%
power 3.18%
experience 1.64%
concern 1.58%
cost 1.54%
responsibility 1.52%
story 1.41%
border 1.10%
blame 1.06%
idea 0.88%
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