1.   Collins suggests that the architecture of the human genome is no accident, but has been shaped over millions of years by evolution.

2.   Nothing has quite the mysterious allure of bonsai trees, the miniature trees shaped over years, even decades of care.

3.   Opponents believed they faced a corporate beachhead into the domain they had shaped over decades.

4.   Skilled violinists practice arm movements that make them more efficient, but the vibrato tone is shaped over time as students develop a feel for the movement.

5.   The limitations of the statute have been shaped over time through court battles.

6.   The mostly soft-sided bag is shaped over a hard frame that holds its shape and gives it stability.

7.   Moldovans cast ballots in local elections Sunday with voters divided over how policies should by shaped over the next four years.

8.   Some modern tools are used but the sturdy planks are still shaped over an open fire and the caulking is done the traditional way.

v. + over >>共 975
take 6.05%
hand 4.63%
divide 2.08%
fight 1.81%
look 1.71%
develop 1.09%
disagree 0.91%
win 0.88%
cook 0.87%
resign 0.80%
shape 0.02%
shape + p. >>共 34
like 69.22%
in 8.32%
as 4.49%
with 2.91%
to 2.11%
for 1.98%
of 1.06%
around 1.06%
than 1.06%
over 1.06%
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