1.   While alcoholism may be widely accepted as a disease nowadays, for many older people it remains a shameful sin to be hidden from the rest of the world.

2.   The four-month trial has shocked Egypt, a conservative state where homosexuality is seen as a shameful sin.

3.   The sentence came at the end of a four-month trial that has shocked Egypt, a conservative state where homosexuality is seen as a shameful sin.

4.   The sentences came at the end of a four-month trial that has shocked Egypt, a conservative state where homosexuality is seen as a shameful sin.

5.   The trial has shocked Egypt, a conservative state where homosexuality is seen as a shameful sin.

a. + sin >>共 148
cardinal 8.64%
past 6.96%
worst 4.46%
unforgivable 3.34%
greatest 3.06%
greater 2.23%
major 2.23%
grievous 1.95%
only 1.95%
political 1.95%
shameful 1.39%
shameful + n. >>共 132
episode 4.62%
act 4.10%
secret 4.10%
thing 3.08%
behavior 2.56%
sin 2.56%
history 2.05%
past 2.05%
level 1.54%
chapter 1.54%
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