1.   Holding your breath builds up tension and shallow breathing denies your body the oxygen it needs to function at maximum efficiency.

2.   This might be a typical presentation of acute hyperventilation caused by rapid shallow breathing during moments of high anxiety.

3.   Without warning, her shallow breathing stops, and within a few moments, the faint pulse is also gone.

4.   After recovering from an attack of shallow breathing he recovered and one nurse said he was smiling and cooing in his cot.

5.   Other physical responses include shallow breathing, a rapid heart rate, and nausea.

6.   Such shallow breathing, Grout says, impoverishes our cells, slows our metabolism and leads to a variety of health consequences.

7.   That would be followed by dizziness, shallow breathing and result in unconsciousness.

a. + breathing >>共 78
heavy 15.45%
deep 11.59%
rapid 5.15%
labored 4.72%
proper 3.86%
hard 3.43%
controlled 3.43%
shallow 3.43%
rhythmic 2.58%
correct 2.15%
shallow + n. >>共 393
water 14.25%
grave 10.08%
dish 6.87%
bowl 4.50%
pan 4.39%
end 2.36%
pool 2.03%
center 1.63%
right 1.35%
layer 1.24%
breathing 0.45%
每页显示:    共 8