1.   So I thought, a little push, a little shove, a little something extra to shake it loose.

2.   An acrid smoke from cutting torches mixes with the soapy, metallic flavor of rusty dust shaken loose from the trade center steel.

3.   At the last minute, they shook loose some paperwork from the United States that allowed them to hold her under the Extradition Act.

4.   A few wing-and-a-prayer passes might have shaken someone loose.

5.   After each pass, the tailstock has to be cranked in a turn, or the vibration caused by trying to cut the multifaceted piece will shake it loose.

6.   But striking workers are filtering back through the picket lines, and the Free Press ultimatum was expected to shake others loose.

7.   Embarrassing as that was for the Navy, Tailhook represented a few stones shaken loose from the top of the mountain.

8.   For years, probably decades, the McClure household held a grisly secret that even death could not shake loose.

9.   Gore should get credit for the economic upsurge, though, since he single-handedly shook loose the cash-flow logjam at Buddhist temples.

10.   He is attempting to shake it up, shake it loose, starting Sunday at home against Green Bay.

v. + loose >>共 17
cut 36.02%
let 28.74%
set 10.15%
knock 5.94%
keep 4.21%
shake 4.21%
tear 2.30%
get 1.92%
pull 1.92%
break 1.72%
shake + a. >>共 27
awake 22.43%
free 20.56%
loose 20.56%
unhurt 5.61%
dry 4.67%
hard 3.74%
open 2.80%
unscathed 1.87%
caroline 0.93%
close 0.93%
每页显示:    共 22