1.   For the past half-hour she had been feeling distinctly uneasy as the ever-present shadows had deepened into almost impenetrable blackness.

2.   As the future brightens statistically in the news, the shadows deepen in the public consciousness.

3.   As the shadows deepened, I felt terribly lonely, but it was good preparation, I thought, for being a widow.

4.   From all these standpoints, the nuclear shadow has deepened.

n. + deepen >>共 285
crisis 12.78%
mystery 5.18%
recession 2.76%
relationship 1.55%
attack 1.38%
report 1.21%
problem 1.21%
trouble 1.21%
chill 1.04%
concern 1.04%
shadow 0.86%
shadow + v. >>共 125
be 21.83%
lengthen 7.08%
fall 5.01%
loom 2.95%
cross 2.06%
move 2.06%
seem 2.06%
appear 1.77%
creep 1.77%
come 1.77%
deepen 1.47%
每页显示:    共 5