1.   Many people have been shamed into silence when it comes to discussing their sex lives.

2.   The doctor asked me a lot of embarrassing questions about my sex life.

3.   Even the quality newspapers pander to peoples interest in the sex lives of politicians and television actors.

4.   A run round the park every day can perk up your sex life.

5.   My sex life is my business.

6.   We have a very active sex life.

7.   Most diabetics have a normal sex life.

8.   He talked to West about his sex life and his inclinations.

9.   Although they appear happy and contented their sex life has evaporated.

10.   It was fine while they had their own flats but when she moved in with Larry their sex life seemed to fade.

n. + life >>共 705
sex 8.22%
night 4.74%
city 4.48%
battery 4.14%
plant 3.42%
prison 2.76%
village 2.47%
college 2.44%
sea 2.18%
work 2.04%
sex + n. >>共 405
offender 14.25%
scandal 8.59%
life 5.58%
education 5.41%
crime 4.20%
scene 3.85%
slave 3.71%
act 3.42%
abuse 3.26%
industry 2.40%
每页显示:    共 284