1.   Many staff feel uneasy with subjects such as sex education.

2.   The school is very modern in its approach to sex education.

3.   Sex education is also expected to help check the spread of AIDS.

4.   Sex education is a sensitive area for some parents, and thus it should remain optional.

5.   Sex education in schools was the buzz topic.

6.   They were acting to prevent the state from trespassing on family matters such as sex education.

7.   In a statement Mr Patten set out the place of sex education in society and the vital importance of teaching the teaching of moral values.

8.   Sex education needs to be educational in the broadest sense and encourage foresight in all aspects of life, discouraging feelings of hopelessness and inevitability.

9.   Little bit of light relief in terms of sex education.

10.   A FRANK new TV sex education series aimed at teenagers is set to tackle everything from homosexuality to how to achieve a happy love life.

n. + education >>共 302
college 16.33%
sex 14.18%
quality 4.35%
art 3.79%
university 3.74%
childhood 3.38%
health 2.97%
voter 2.82%
music 2.25%
science 2.00%
sex + n. >>共 405
offender 14.25%
scandal 8.59%
life 5.58%
education 5.41%
crime 4.20%
scene 3.85%
slave 3.71%
act 3.42%
abuse 3.26%
industry 2.40%
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