1.   Engineers looking at flood defences and modelling catchments, sewer systems and watercourses, have to take many factors into consideration.

2.   The disposal costs could include a one-time charge to dump the water permanently into the sewer system.

3.   Until church members complete a sewer system, they have been forbidden to use their newly hewn bomb shelters.

4.   And the challenger has joined in a chorus of complaints over an aging city sewer system that dumps waste into the Chattahoochee River.

5.   And in Vineland, N.J., water was coursing so rambunctiously through the sewer system that it uncorked manhole covers.

6.   As a result, whenever anyone in town flushes a toilet, waste leaves the sewer system untreated and becomes part of the floodwaters.

7.   As they crawl through the collapsed buildings and sewer system of Warsaw, they are lost in the will to survive.

8.   Big cities depend on computers to operate traffic lights, dispatch police and firefighters, open security doors and operate sewer systems.

9.   A new theater and new sewer system are planned.

10.   A neighbor, Joseph Marrone, said that most houses in the area used cesspools because there was no home sewer system.

n. + system >>共 804
computer 5.46%
school 2.85%
defense 2.63%
missile 2.33%
justice 2.00%
pressure 1.82%
tax 1.74%
security 1.68%
cable 1.60%
control 1.49%
sewer 0.29%
sewer + n. >>共 77
system 24.94%
line 19.90%
pipe 8.82%
gas 3.02%
drain 2.52%
plant 2.52%
service 2.52%
rat 1.76%
repair 1.76%
grate 1.51%
每页显示:    共 98