1.   She hunted stereotypes down as if they were sewer rats and stuck radical slogans to the fridge door.

2.   Keeping homes sealed up and yards devoid of food and potential burrows can ward off infestation of house mice, roof rats and sewer rats.

3.   Sewer rats everywhere take righteous offense.

4.   Striper, our pet dog that looks like a New York City sewer rat, is once again the cause of all the trouble.

5.   The beast -- our family dog, a mixed-breed mutt about the size of a New York sewer rat, with a temperament only slightly more engaging.

6.   We knew that sewers are reservoirs for rats, but to make our poison baiting efforts more effective we needed to know which sewers rats preferred.

7.   The newspaper said special traps have been devised for the sewer rats.

n. + rat >>共 75
laboratory 16.12%
lab 13.22%
gym 8.68%
control 4.13%
desert 3.72%
mall 3.31%
sewer 2.89%
fibre 2.48%
river 2.48%
rug 2.48%
sewer + n. >>共 77
system 24.94%
line 19.90%
pipe 8.82%
gas 3.02%
drain 2.52%
plant 2.52%
service 2.52%
rat 1.76%
repair 1.76%
grate 1.51%
每页显示:    共 7