1.   Not surprisingly, these sites usually lack a water supply and provision for sewage disposal.

2.   Smog and acid rain, water pollution and sewage disposal, dams and river-flows will become ever more contentious issues.

3.   The city invested thousands in improved sewage disposal.

4.   Where sewage disposal is also to be privatised one wonders whether there would be a standard charge, or if it might be metered.

5.   The investment in sewage disposal and tighter industrial standards will, says the survey, result in a steady improvement in this region.

6.   Because the city lacks proper sewage disposal, air-borne fecal matter, dried and mixed with dust, is another serious health hazard.

7.   The drinking water is alive with amoebas, and there is no sewage disposal.

8.   The government said it would sell water distribution and sewage disposal and treatment concessions in individual municipalities.

9.   Tradition is held in spiritual ways and in customs or language, she says, not necessarily in sewage disposal or indoor plumbing.

n. + disposal >>共 60
garbage 25.91%
bomb 9.09%
asset 8.18%
sewage 8.18%
loan 4.55%
trash 3.64%
land 2.27%
rubbish 2.27%
body 1.82%
explosive 1.82%
sewage + n. >>共 105
system 21.52%
plant 19.42%
treatment 6.17%
sludge 5.25%
works 4.33%
pipe 3.02%
facility 2.36%
disposal 2.36%
water 2.10%
problem 1.97%
每页显示:    共 18