1.   He has written seven books on the subject and contributed to numerous specialist magazines, but Scrabble is his main love now.

2.   Before and since, he spoke in churches and on college campuses and wrote seven books, focusing on Christianity.

3.   Besides co-authoring an occasional screenplay with Shrake, he has written seven books.

4.   Dertouzos has authored or co-authored seven books.

5.   Gargan was the author or editor of seven books and many articles and book reviews in academic journals.

6.   He also wrote and edited seven books and edited the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Modern Economics.

7.   He wrote movie reviews for Punch, and seven books, including his autobiography.

8.   He was the author of seven books.

9.   I had my bag with seven books.

10.   In the end, she had the last word, writing seven books.

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