1.   Baby Moses survived when his sister, Miriam, put him in a basket and set it afloat on the Nile.

2.   One stares longingly at the diverse domiciles ingenuity has set afloat, and the congeries of cockleshell craft secured to deck and docks.

3.   The tiny seeds are placed in polystyrene trays which are then set afloat in indoor pools until they are ready to be transplanted to the fields.

4.   The tanker was set afloat again Wednesday, and the Coast Guard hoped to drain the remaining half of its cargo from its damaged hull this weekend.

5.   In years past, paper lanterns representing the departing spirits were set afloat on rivers or streams on the final night of O-bon.

6.   The tree trunks were taken to the river set afloat, sending their spirits to heaven.

7.   Work crews planned to pump the remaining oil from the barge, the North Cape, into another one and set it afloat again Monday.

v. + afloat >>共 5
keep 91.98%
set 3.74%
leave 2.14%
hold 1.60%
find 0.53%
set + a. >>共 154
free 34.96%
afire 13.91%
alight 10.43%
straight 5.00%
high 3.97%
ablaze 3.78%
loose 3.23%
right 3.05%
low 1.95%
aflame 1.65%
afloat 0.43%
每页显示:    共 7