1.   All morning we seeded beans and corn, threshed sesame seeds and transplanted young peppers.

2.   Brush with more melted butter and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

3.   Crush Ramen noodles, combine with toasted almonds and sesame seeds, then sprinkle on top of cabbage mixture.

4.   I also visited a cooperative of peasant farmers who grow sesame seed.

5.   Mix breadcrumbs, sesame seeds and almonds.

6.   Neutrogena natural sesame seed Body Oil is non-greasy.

7.   Place the flour, sesame seeds and salt in a large mixing bowl.

8.   Serve immediately, sprinkled with sesame seeds if desired.

9.   Sprinkle evenly with sesame seeds, pressing lightly to make them adhere.

10.   Sprinkle the sesame seeds over it.

n. + seed >>共 253
sesame 18.88%
fennel 4.80%
cumin 3.47%
coriander 3.37%
grass 3.16%
plant 2.76%
number 2.24%
celery 2.14%
hemp 1.94%
cotton 1.84%
sesame + n. >>共 39
seed 46.72%
oil 34.85%
noodle 2.27%
paste 2.27%
bun 2.02%
bagel 1.26%
dressing 1.01%
chicken 0.76%
cracker 0.51%
mixture 0.51%
每页显示:    共 184