1.   A further twenty-three laborious years were to elapse before official recognition of his services to Britain was given.

2.   A severe storm brought rail services to a standstill yesterday.

3.   Administrators must constantly interpret and apply public policies that provide public goods and services to individuals and groups.

4.   After being ground down by a rude customer and an unsympathetic boss, they might give shoddy service to good customers.

5.   Among other services to members is a helpline, professional support staff and information and education resources.

6.   An innkeeper can refuse service to any person who is not in a fit state to be received at the inn.

7.   Apart from education, the state does not provide many welfare goods and services to its citizens.

8.   Arcstar global services provide managed data, multimedia and Internet services to some of the largest companies in the world.

9.   Arius differed from Origen in seeing the coming forth of the divine Word as a service to the inferior created order.

n. + to >>共 1468
trip 1.94%
end 1.15%
letter 0.93%
approach 0.86%
close 0.79%
aid 0.74%
service 0.72%
damage 0.69%
tie 0.68%
flight 0.66%
service + p. >>共 95
to 24.68%
in 18.81%
of 7.54%
at 6.68%
from 4.85%
on 4.73%
such_as 3.42%
as 3.38%
between 3.23%
with 3.02%
每页显示:    共 3903